Last night we celebrated Ben's birthday at Level. He reserved a table, where there was a $25 per person drink minimum. At 8 people, we were easily able to get to that, including another $100 on Chet's tab that wasn't shown in the picture. As for Level, I have never seen it so constantly dead. When Mike Band visited a few Fridays ago, I wanted to show him the venue since he never been before, but it was also dead that night. I'm thinking maybe it's the new places in downtown that are attracting all the business or maybe Level just isn't popular anymore. Kinda sad 'cause I like the place. Anyway, we still had a good night...perhaps the highlight was Dan Combs going to 4th avenue with a random drunk girl who was apparently married but just decided not to wear her ring. Hehe, good times. Happy Birthday Ben!
On a side note, I successfully performed my first solo oil change today! Thanks Wayne for teaching me. W00T!
On a side note, I successfully performed my first solo oil change today! Thanks Wayne for teaching me. W00T!