Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shooting Ranch!

For my friend Johnathan's bachelor party last Saturday, we went to a shooting ranch in Marana.  I'd say it was more of a big area of dirt that goes down into the ground like a crater, a landfill if you will.  Anyway, several of Johnathan's friends including himself own various types of pistols, rifles, and machine guns.  You can't shoot certain firearms at most indoor shooting ranges, so we went out here since we know people that are members of the Gun Club.
I don't know much about guns nor do I plan to own one anytime soon, but it was fun to fire off a bunch of rifles, since I've only handled pistols before.  It was really challenging trying to hit a target hundreds of feet away with the rifle, but it was a pretty cool feeling nonetheless. :)
We fired guns out there for a few hours and then went to a BJ's aftewards for dinner. Congrats to Johnathan! He'll be getting married in Tucson come November.  As for me, it's off to San Diego this weekend for Kyle's bachelor party!