My friend is trying to establish a new speed dating service in Tucson. Last night was his first event held at Gentle Ben's. I decided to sign up, not necessarily expecting anything, but hoping to at least meet some new people. I got there a little before the event was to start and had Wes, Teqas, Jonny, and Ryan there to support me. However, the host (my friend) was nowhere to be found. He arrived 30 minutes late only to notify everyone that the event had been canceled since half of the expected participants did not show.
He offered to refund me my money and instead I just had some food and drinks at Ben's before heading back to my place with my friends where we enjoyed plenty of hookah and Wii. So instead of meeting anyone, I met zero people and went back to my place to drink, smoke, and play video games. LOL, awesome! :) That totally sounds about right. My friend said he'd try the speed dating event again in a month or two, but I'm skeptical now that he just doesn't have his shit together. Oh well, at least I can honestly say I tried!