I got into Midland on Thursday night and it was mostly just Mike (the best man), Nate, and Nate's dad hanging out. We got rooms at the H Hotel, which is where they would eventually hold their reception. Thursday night was pretty low-key and as you might expect, there really aren't a lot of things to do in this town of 40,000 or so population. After getting pizza and Loon's Summer Ale while watching the Saints-Vikings game at Pizza Sam's, Mike and I picked up a 12-pack of beer and just drank it at the hotel...watching several episodes of Family Guy in the process. I even snuck in a game of StarCraft when Mike passed in and out, LOL.
Midland has this one attraction that it's quite famous for: The Tridge. I took a walk over to it to try and envision how Nate proposed to his wife Elizabeth, which took place on the tridge. I actually found Midland quite beautiful in it's lush, green surroundings and plenty of water. Definitely a nice change of scenery from the Arizona desert.
It was at the rehearsal dinner that we also received our groomsman gifts . Thanks Nate! I stood out because I'm a Kansas City Chiefs fan, but everyone else got Cardinals jerseys. I also got a Guinness beer mug with my name engraved on it. :)
The reception was at the H Hotel and it was fun watching Mike's hand shaking while trying to give his best man speech, which I thought was pretty good. We then proceeded in getting smashed and taking advantage of being groomsmen by making complete fools of ourselves on the dance floor. :) We came up with some very entertaining dance moves, featuring the "Ground Slap" during Enrique Iglesias's 'I Like It.' :D
The reception ended at around 11:30pm, which is when most people decided to cash in, but Band and I continued to party. The rest of the night included buying drinks for cute girls from Canada, crashing their wedding afterward with their moms, pissing off the tridge, and just your typical Band-Lin debauchery. :P
Nate and Elizabeth's wedding in Michigan was a great time and something I was really happy I could be a part of it. There are a couple more weddings coming up later this year and early next, but for now, my next focus is on the trip to Cabo coming up at the end of the month!