So tomorrow marks the beginning of what will be a very exhausting week for me. But the good news is, it's all play and no work! :) Tomorrow morning I fly out to Vegas again; gonna be there a night for Chet's bachelor party. But what really worries me are the days after. I get back to Tucson on Thursday at around 1:30pm and this coming Thursday is the bowling CHAMPIONSHIP for our league. I'll probably be up all Wednesday night partying and not get much sleep, so I'll somehow have to put together a quick power-nap on Thursday when I get back to prepare for bowling. Our team is the defending champion, so I have to represent! But It doesn't stop there. I committed myself to attending Chuck's birthday party, which will be happening right after bowling. Usually I'd be good to go for a fun-filled night like this, but I also volunteered to golf with my co-workers on Friday morning at an 8:45am tee time. It's an annual tradition for our department to go to a D'Backs Spring Training baseball game this time of year, but before that a few members would play 9 holes of golf before the game. This year they are recruiting new players and that's where I decided to jump in. Friday night will hopefully be my recovery night, and I'm gonna need it. Chet's wedding in Tubac (45 minutes south of Tucson) is on Saturday and you know we're gonna party hard that night too.
The bachelor party in Vegas, bowling, the birthday party, golfing, the baseball game, the wedding, I suppose they are all things I could've passed on or still bail out on last minute. But no way! That's not what the Andy of 2010 is going to do. He's gonna Make It Happen! Expect a wrap-up of my killer time sometime next week! ...if I'm still alive. :D