Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Love Me Some Mechanically Seperated Chicken!

I read an article the other day about how many fast food restaurants have machines that seperate chicken parts and transform it into what me know as processed chicken meat.  Here is the link:
After reading it, I just laughed.  There's a quote that says "What it does instead is smash EVERYTHING including the bones, eyes and guts..."  To be honest, I like a lot of the parts in the chicken that most Americans dread to eat: neck, tongue, heart, liver, gizzard, butt (guess what!? chicken butt!), even feet.  The bone marrow of the chicken isn't bad either. :)  So when they make it sound as if this is the grossest thing ever, all I can do is laugh at America's ignorant culture.  Do they not know what other people are eating in other countries?  The problem with Americans is that they rely too much on their eyes and aren't willing to give things a chance.  Hmm, sounds like a problem that extends to all aspects of American life...

Cow Heart I ate in Taiwan. Enjoyed it with some soy sauce!
As long as the end product is deemed healthy enough for consumption, that's good enough for me!  I honestly love the taste of of Spicy Chicken sandwiches and McChicken Nuggets and I will fulfill my cravings even after reading this.  I do admit that you can't eat crappy food like McDonald's all the time (although it is edible, it still leaves a gross feeling in your stomach), but there's no way I'm boycotting a fast food favorite. :)

Pork intestines, also enjoyed while I was in Taiwan.  Seriously, give it a try!
I feel like Mechanically Seperated Chicken tonight! Like Mechanically Seperated Chicken tonight! :D