Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Green Juice!

It's no secret that my diet doesn't always consist of enough vegetables.  I've been in talks with friends who promote "green drinks" to supplement a lack of vegetable source in a diet, so I am going to start drinking them on a daily basis.  At first they recommended I try "green powder", but I couldn't find it easily at my local grocery store.  What I did find was this stuff called "Naked", which has a couple of green juice options full of fruits and leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.

Honestly the stuff doesn't taste that bad!  My goal is to drink an 8oz glass a day and see how it goes for me.  I also bought some steamable veggies that I can make as sides with my heavy meat diet in an effort to be more health conscious as I grow older.

Yeah I know, not a super exciting blog post this month, but I didn't really have anything else to report lately!  Anyway, here's to living a hopefully more healthy life! :)