Now I could go out every weekend and spray to try and control my unwanted foliage, but let's face it, I'm either too busy or too lazy to want to have to tend to something so tedious and frustrating on a weekly basis. So I've decided to embark on a little project that will hopefully pay off in the long run: tarping the yard. My friend actually had some leftover landscape fabric for when he did the same thing to his yard, so he let me have the rest. This next picture on the right is of my backyard where I am testing out the fabric. There's a nice little section that I've already cleaned up and starting tarping. If it proves to be effective, then the goal is to eventually tarp as much of my yard as I can or at least get all the areas where t
If you ask me, I think every house's yard should be tarped when it is built for the first time and my for my next house it will be a huge requirement. I just hate weeds so much and I just don't want to be out there pulling and spraying! This last picture to the left shows the section I completed today. Knowing me, this project will probably take me a while to complete since I'll likely only work on it during the weekends or maybe if I have some free time after work. It won't be easy to complete since it's basically a one-man show, but hopefully all my hard work will be worth it!
DIE WEEDS DIE! And that is not German for "The Weeds, The!"