This is gonna be a short blog entry because I don't really have a whole lot to update lately due to stay-at-home life. Arizona had re-opened in early May and for a while we were able to go to gyms and my pool league was meeting once a week. However, that quickly ended yesterday with another state order to close down gyms and bars again for 30 days. So back to that life for me...
I have been going to at least once a week and some weeks I spend more days in there than others. But overall I was starting to get excited about returning to a normal life. Unfortunately, Arizona is just too crazy right now with too many people going out and about without wearing masks as if Covid is just gone. *sigh*
Twitchcon was officially cancelled as well, so I have zero travel planned for the rest of the year with over 20 days of vacation still leftover.
For now, I'm back to working out at from home and just playing more video games I guess. I'm super excited for sports to returning: the NBA and the MLB. That'll be really exciting!
Anyhoo, I hope everyone out there is staying safe and sane! I personally have been very lucky not to have been affected by Covid yet nor do I know anyone personally that has been affected. However, I do know friends of friends who have gotten it and who have not been so lucky, so it's definitely a serious matter that we should acknowledge and be aware of. Take care and see ya next month for hopefully better news!