We all do it. There are times we get unhappy with our weight and we try adding or changing our lifestyles or diet in attempt to lose weight quickly. In the past I've tried paleo, but I didn't like how it excluded so many things I could eat, including drinking beer, which is something I struggle to give up and simply don't want to. I'm "fit-ish" and relatively healthy, maintaining an active lifestyle where I go to the gym regularly and workout from home when I can't. The problem has always been in my belly because as I've gotten older, my metabolism has decreased and it's not like I've stopped eating and drinking.
Today's fad? Intermittent Fasting. You'll recall last year I saw an advertisement for this app called Fitcoach that I bought into because it pitched to me a daily 7-minute workout that I could add easily in addition to what I already do: lift about two times a week and some form of cardio the other 5 days. Well, turns out the app also has a method to help you keep track of intermittent fasting, so I figured I'd give it a try because I hear it actually works.
Another reason intermittent fasting sounds attractive is because it seems doable. Waiting another 2-4 hours to eat breakfast isn't too bad at the beginner level. And I still want to be able to eat a variety of foods without restriction and you know I'm not giving up beer anytime soon. So yep, I want to see if this works. My goal is to try 12:12 for the month of August and if it goes well, I will step it up to 13:11 and go from there. It's currently August 1st and last night I weighed in at 189.4 lbs. 😩
In related news, I have stepped up my physical activity lately. I'm playing basketball during the summer (when there's no bowling and the kids at the U of A are gone so the courts aren't as crowded), I tried learning some sand volleyball, and I just bought a pickleball paddle and am trying to get into that! Expect another update from me soon!