Not much to report these days.
Few trips planned for the rest of the year, but thinking of doing an East Coast trip where I hit Connecticut, Jersey, and DC to visit Nate, Chris, and Mike all in one fell swoop. Possibly sometime in October.
I qualified for the APA Singles Regional Tournament for both 8-ball and 9-ball this fall. That will be held in Phoenix the first weekend of October. If I win there, I'll get to play at Nationals in Las Vegas.
Golf league ended a couple months ago. Over the course of a 12-week session, I ended up with a 17.5 handicap for 9-holes. A lot of work to do if I'm ever going to improve my golf game. We'll get there someday, I hope.
Right now just going to pool league on Monday and Tuesdays. The rest of my nights have been pretty open, which is a nice change of pace.
Work has been busy as of late. At the beginning of the year, they cut funding on the project I was working on: FlashSystem. Then they split my time across two projects: DS8000 and Hydra. In the second quarter, I added a third project: MetaOcean. And in 3Q they want me to drop DS8000 and Hydra and transition to Spectrum Scale. I'm always up for the challenge and I go where the team needs my skills. I'm likely the most versatile piece on this team...a utilityman if you will. However, lots of adjusting to do in the process.
I still find time to play tons of video games, but my queue is still large. On PS4, I'm currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn with Life is Strange waiting on deck. On PC, it's mostly Left 4 Dead or some 7 Days to Die whenever my friends are on, but I've got XCOM, Cities: Skylines, Dishonored, and Arkham Knight in the queue, all games I picked up during this year's summer Steam sale.
Duncan is good, house is good, I'm good. As always, thanks for checking in on me and I'll see ya next time!